Sunday, March 27, 2011

Once again I broke even...Fast Post

This will be short and sweet...I'm in a bit of a time crunch....

Still 113lbs....ARGG!! Once again I binged like a little food whore!! I worked out like a mad women, so I didn't gain but didn't lose. DAMN IT!

Today I went to the gym and did 1hour and 15 min. in a cardio class, 1 hour and 15 min. on weights, and 40 min. on the treadmill. It felt freakin fantastic!! I'm bummed I didn't get any yoga in today :( Oh well, tomorrow. I'm doing fabulous with calories, as long as I keep it up for the rest of the day! I basically have 9 days left to lose WEIGHT....FML! I know I'm not going to lose 13lbs in time but that is not going to stop me from trying! I'm still smoking ciggs here and there :/ Oppsies..hehe!

Hope you dolls are doing fantastic!!! Thanks for all the kind words and reality check!