Saturday, March 12, 2011

Okay back on track!

Yes, things seem to be going back on track! That means ana can get back to working her devious magic and I can return to my teeny body. This blob I have been living in these past months is NOT me! It's beyond confusing even to me!?? I'm over the moon pleased with yesterday :) but I will not weigh in today. I MUST resist. I'll weigh in on Monday morning (fingers crossed). It can't be worse then the last weigh just can't be : /

Picking out clothes just to go to the gym is a nightmare now! I'm not used to having to hide a roll on my tummy and blubbery thighs. I cant wear my yoga clothing, I'm just too freakin BIG! I forgot to mention my run in at the gym yesterday...OMG....I ran into a high school best friend. THE ONE THAT MY HUSBAND KISSED!!! It was early in our relationship ( few weeks) and I was out of town. He went to the hot tub with all our friends and ended up having a kiss with HER!!!! To make matters worse this girl is gorgeous! no joke, stunning and beyond thin. Model thin! So, there she was. We had to hug and play nice. She got my number and said we should have coffee. FML! Well, it just motivated me to get thinner!!!

The goal for the day; get my caffeine fix, gym (yoga class and 1 hour of cardio), sauna (maybe sweat out some toxins and water weight), eat the rest of yesterdays salad only, drink a liter of water, laxative tea before eventful lol!

I got the caffeine fix...a cup of nasty black coffee from my moms and a delish triple shot of espresso from Starbucks! I went to the yoga was way too easy but I got a fantastic stretch and adored the instructor. At the end of the class she has you take a bead to symbolize the good thing you did for yourself! I'm going to the classes for the bead and a good stretch lol! Argg, cardio did not go so well : / I only did 12 min. on the elliptical machine : (  I also didn't take a sauna :( I got more salad at Whole Foods!! That's all I've been munching on...oh yeah, I also had a KIND meal bar : / As long as I stop eating now (6pm), I'll be okay! I have been horrid about liter bottle has a ton left but I"ll down it :) I'm going to drink the laxative tea later tonight :) I'll the greens should really help!
Tomorrow is going to be even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!