Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In a binge food coma :(

I have been basically binging for the last 2 days with no working out :( I feel horrid and bloated!!!!!! 3/15 and 3/16=failed!! It started yesterday around 5pm and ended today around 4pm, so I guess It wasn't a true two days!? I feel I have undone all my hard work :/ I'm just beyond angry with myself!! I refuse to sit in myself pity, so I'm going to drink an energy drink to get myself out of this food coma state and make myself go walk around the Academy ( a hard hilly race walk)! A mini recovery from the binging and tomorrow I'll hit the gym and eat with perfection! I need to drink lax tea tonight!!! I'll jump right back on track! I can't let this set me back and I WONT!
Alright, I admit defeat....I totally screwed up....the binge continued and I never went was a total failure! I have undone this weeks hard work. I've got to move on however! Tomorrow I must "reinvent" myself and shake this all off! I will end the night with a double dose of senna tea to help "move things along" for tomorrow!

I have no more room for error...I will be going back home to cali in 4-6 weeks!! I have just enough time to lose a massive chunk of weight! If I play my cards right I will be going back SKINNY! NO MORE SCREW UPS!!!!!! I don't want to regret this time frame I have to lose weight in a month when I arrive home! I must take advantage of this NOW!