Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Morning Dolls!

Well, I'm still FN 113lbs. Again, DAMN IT! My count down to losing weight and returning home to CA, is not going as planned :( I only have a week now to lose before I fly back. Realistically I know it's impossible to lose 113lbs. I mean it's science and common sense! If I could at least lose 3lbs and get down to 110lbs, I suppose I could live with that in the time being. 3lbs is VERY doable! More is encouraged of course! I'm just going to have to dress "smart". Wear adorable clothing still but adorable clothing that hides FAT! Things like flowy sundresses! I live on a beach in a hippy town. You can totally get away with the boho chic look( I adore fashion and clothing). I'll just keep working my ass off with exercise and restriction and get right back down to my goal weight! I can't wait to start race walking on the beach again :) I'm going to keep this positive attitude up and hold on to it with dear life!

As fo today, I've been lazy all morning....Watching TV and glued to , the lappy top! My Salsa class and NIA class is not until this evening, so I'm hitting the gym later in the evening. Their is a Vinyasa Flow class but IDK if my soar body can do it?? I really hope so! The sauna is on the agenda as well. I just adore a good steam! I LOVE HOW WARM IT IS!!! I've consumed a McDonald's large coffee with 2 creams and 1 splenda (IDK the cals??). I'll have a little something before the gym ( really I'll just end up drinking a energy drink lol)! After the gym a little mini fast! That's the plan but it always seems to change. We shall see what my neurotic brain chooses!

OMG! I really can't believe I'm going home. It's starting to set in that I can no longer hide and isolate! I'm going back to my life. Back to reality! It scares the sh*t out of me! I'm overwhelmed and nervous. Anxiety is dwelling in me. Just getting a job is overwhelming to me! That's pathetic but I've got to be strong! I CAN DO THIS!

Any who, HAPPY MONDAY...I adore Monday's because it's the beginning of the week and a fresh start. A clean slate :) Hope you dolls are doing fabulous! Thanks again for the comments! They really make my day...xo


Anonymous said...

good luck on the loss hun. i wish i could go have a sauna, i love them as well. though i have to wait until i lose another 15 pounds. i was in the same prediciment as you, anoxious about returning home. though i returned with an extra 30 pounds D=!

Mrs. Donae said...

Thnx hun!
AH, they are fabulous and I feel like I'm losing all kinds of water wait..hehe! You don't need to wait to lose doll! I'm sure you look great ;)
Then you totally understand about going home bigger! Thnx for that luv.

Peridot (G+P) said...

I love Mondays, because they are the Saturday of my working week XD

I hope you have a good night at the gym. Those classes sound like so much fun!

Thank you! Lol, taking over slicer after Tweedle Rum give me no choice BUT to be super productive! I think I impressed Aphrodite *Crosses fingers*
